I'm figuring out how to work past this blogger issue of posting pictures that has been an problem for me all month. I had to post to Picasa and then upload from that last time I tried, now I can get them directly from my phone (a nice new smart phone with 5 mp camera, so ok), OR I can just use firefox to upload from my hard drive, my preferred route. The uploader will not recognize either my PC or my laptop's drive from internet explorer. No edits at all for todays uploads, normally I would adjust exposure and color.
I have been so inspired by all the blogs and businesses out there blooming from home sewing endeavors that I see on the internet. Last year I dusted off my sewing machine that has been sitting undercover for a good 15 years or more, and even bought new parts and repaired my vintage machine (wait- are both my machines vintage now? My computerized kenmore is from 1991 or so). Unfortunately, couldn't figure out how to make the serger operational. It is frozen, the motor whirs but no movement of the needle shaft or anything else. It was a cheapie, and not fun to work with anyway. I may treat myself to a new one IF I keep sewing.
Christmas before last I made jammie bottoms for several of the women in my family. It was so much fun and so well received that this year I decided to do it for everyone. I knew I was time pressed because I insisted on buying all of the flannel when it hit 50% off. Unfortunately, I didn't find this until black friday, and then I was working night shift and had to do it online. NOT my most favorite way to select fabric, and then I had to work through selection after selection being out of stock when I chose it for the cart. But by December 3rd or so, I had fabric for 10 pairs of jammies at my house and decided to do it assembly line style.
Virtuously dusting out the bobbin compartment each time the bobbin ran out, and oiling the top too.
You want me to finish this story on how it all turned out wonderful, don't you?
There were 2 pair for men, 5 women's (including myself), 2 babies, and one school girl. ACK! I had a very hard time finding any fabric for men, and one of the two final choices turned out to be more feminine out of the box than it looked online. OK, I bought some fleece for whatever, and that turned into the second man's pair.
I did mention I work night shift, right? Hopefully not forever, but for now. I am frequently groggy and low motivated when at home and awake. I'm also pretty broke, having had my income reduced by $30,000 annually when I went to night shift. I raised 5 kids as a single mom and now I'm temporarily supporting and partially supporting a substantial number of my kids and their families. There are currently 8 1/2 people (school girl is here at least half the time) living at my house. I've moved my sewing into my bedroom to try to reduce choas. Alas, there are frequently babies or even bigger people asleep in my room and constant flows of just stuff moving across the surfaces in there- my debris, animals, purchases, clean or dirty laundry, homeless people's stuff.... I seem to attract a lot of other people's stuff. My washer broke, and I stalled on prewashing those fabrics for a couple weeks. I already have enough laundry to lug to the laundry mat, and it was going to cost extra, and we were talking MAJOR yardage here. I would never have put it all in one load at home. Mandatory to prewash cotton flannel though, shrinkage is a definite issue.
Sooooo, 10 days before Christmas I started cutting. I had to draft baby patterns, but that was easy. Had to trace for different sizes from multi size patterns, pretty easy. 10 pair. When I started sewing I discovered I cut too many mediums, and one too few xxlrg. OK, one medium can get sewn later, and I don't get a pair. I think I hate flannel anyway, it sticks to sheets when I want to roll over. On to the fun part, embellishment!!
Grosgrain ribbon on the pocket and hem of one man's pair, lace or ribbons or rick rack on pockets of women's. I have some satin blanket binding and a beautiful vintage midwieght plaid waiting for hemlines.
I had fun pulling out some of my fairly antique sewing aids, like this gizmo for perfect hems (truthfully, a thin cardboard one is better, this metal HEATS UP with steam) and the wooden point turner I broke down and bought after thinking it would be handy for the past 20 years or so. It is.
I decided not to sweat mistakes that made me think, STUPID, but really don't matter much. It would take Steph forever to discover I rolled the inside hem of her pocket the wrong way, and she wouldn't care when she found it. The bottom hems are where I got real happy and I can't show that. OOPS, cause I still haven't finished them!!! The assembly line got me 0/10 pair finished, though there's a baby pair in the laundry after being worn rolled up without a hem at all.
I'm less than happy with the project since it did not come even close to the deadline. I don't know why I'm not truly UNHAPPY either. I know I'll get them all done, while it's still winter, and people will still be happy with them. The babies' pairs match the mommie's incidentally. I'm slipping in a few things in between, knitting I take to work so it's guilt free (though I'm no speed demon on that either). I made a sweet little dog bed for a crate that was missing the plastic bottom. He had blanket on wire and now has a dense foam cushion in some circa 1983 denim cowboy print that I never could figure what to use for. I have dreams of couture inspired baby and girl clothes, and beautifully fitted pants and shirts for me. I believe I can make some dreams come true. Despite my apparent failure on this project I really do have skills, albeit rusty and distracted skills. I'll confess some more, I have 2 half finished baby quilts, although I have 4 grandkids and another on the way.
So, though I love to devour all those blogs out there with soooo much productivity beautifully presented across their web pages, I'm pretty comfortable with my own feeble offerings. I'm happy that the dust cover is off and the motor hums again. I'm kind of thrilled when I cut into some of those fabrics and trims I've hoarded since 1979. Someday maybe I'll show you some of my extensive library on sewing, stitching, and quilting.
I'm making a solemn promise to post when the jammies are done, even if it's December after next. I think it will be this winter though. Maybe by next post I'll get a nice layout for the page too! Not today, other obligations calling.