is what I was ending up with using this template and a kind of pseudo paper piecing technique with the tutorial. I even went back and traced around the template on the back, then added correct seam allowances so I would have more accuracy.
It just didn't add up to enough improvement to warrant the additional work. There is a lovely tutorial by
Red Pepper Quilts for the same quilt, using her foundation paper. Unfortunately, it is a slightly different size so I would have to print out and then CUT out all those patterns. While I was looking at her tutorial again just now, I'm thinking if I followed along her directions to the letter I might get the results I am craving. I do have about a gazillion of those
MSQC triangle papers. She puts down triangle, diamond, triangle and then presses all in one direction. MSQC puts the diamond down first, assisted with a smear of glue stick, then left triangle and right triangle. Might be less bulk at the kissing diamond points the Red Pepper way. I'll give it one more shot, darn it!
*Update, Saturday night shift- Oh, dear. I'm supposed to be sewing 4 of these pieced triangles together, not two. Might make a BIG difference. I'll definitely give it another shot! I'm still going to incorporate Red Pepper's directions so I can twirl the center intersecting seams on the back. I love doing that. The thrill may wear off before these (half gazillion) triangles get made into a quilt.

I got the 15-91 installed into the cabinet and oiled and the bobbin case arrived. I tossed an orphan block into a small sandwich and tried out some free motion quilting. I know every machine feels a little different but this did feel exceptionally "draggy". The feed dogs do drop, but it felt like they were still influencing the flow. I took a look at them in action- they appear possibly higher than they should be, and with the sandwich squished down they may be grabbed intermittently by feed dog movement. I put stitch length at zero and that helped. I decided to give my supreme slider teflon sheet a shot. This was the first machine of three that I really felt a benefit with it on, but alas!

That gold speckle upper right is some of my antique finish. It did this on the Singer 201-2 as well. I won't try it again on another black vintage singer. It may do better on the later model machines. I don't foresee myself getting any of those. I have a taupe Kenmore from the 60's that suffered no ill effects from the slider, but it was one of the machines that didn't really have an improvement either. It already did sweet free motion.
The 15-91 is also NOISIER than the 201. It has a smaller (though still large) harp space. It does move to the right smoother in free motion than the 201, but I think I've already learned to compensate for this. I still want to try out free motion embroidery, and specifically free motion embroidery without any foot. I think this machine will do better at that job than any machine I've ever owned or played on. One day, I'd like to be, in my own style, as good as
this guy.