I've started work on repairing this afghan my mom knitted. I'm not sure of when she made it, just that it was my favorite thing to be under if I was sick or very cold. I suspect very early 70's at the latest, and more likely the 60's. I'm pretty sure she used a synthetic or synthetic blend fiber, as it has been through the washer and dryer probably close to a hundred times.
I've had it in my possession since the 80's and am a little ashamed of how far I let it deteriorate. I knew how to do the most basics of knitting, but didn't knit, and it was always on my list of things to do when it started getting holes in the center of some of the flowers and then splitting on some of the seams. After it passed into my daughter's possession it only got worse until I finally stole it back with the intention of finally mending it. Strangly enough, I found some supersaver yarn that seems to match the pink extremely well, and the gray is only off enough to see if you hunt hard for it.
I've seamed up the 3 pink squares on this shot already and I'm pretty happy with the results. I'm using a crochet hook and kind of ladder stitching it back together and it closely resembles the original.
It's parts like this one that have me worried. I've got double pointed needles and a gizmo called a knook that might help, along with a very close to the original pattern.