Is up on youtube, the adjustable hemmer foot. We spent some quality time together, this foot and I, while getting ready and shooting the tutorial. I'm almost convinced that with the low volume of fine heirloom sewing that I do it MIGHT be a waste of time to invest the hours it would take to become expert at the use of this foot. Then again, as fumbly as I am with it, I can look at a couple inches of success and see how marvelous it would be on some keepsake baby things, or any special thing.
I can topstitch pretty well, but the way this foot gets right to the edge of the hem and then runs so perfectly distanced from the's just so darn FINE. I don't know why this foot isn't made anymore. I don't. I'm still working on technique- it's not the easiest attachment I've ever used.I thought I'd give a little rundown on use here, for someone who may be searching but unable to view a streaming video.
This foot actually has a foot within the foot- there is a little scroll of a rolled hem foot at the end of this yellow arrowed metal piece in the photo here:
So, yes, this does take that hellish little foot up to another level. In the video I said it wasn't an attachment for the faint of heart. I was never a rolled hem ninja either, but I kept going with this sucker anyway.
For best results, a little prep helps. Use the iron and press over a very narrow hem, and then fold again, a less narrow one to enclose all raw edges. The foot is designed to do 1/4 to maybe 2" hems, but I've been practicing on 1/2". You only need to prep/iron the first two inches or so, to help start it.
You then want to insert it under the pressor foot. Take 2 or 3 stitches to anchor the beginning of the hem, then lift the foot (I have the needle up too, so I can really move the fabric around) and manipulate the fabric between those two yellow arrows pictured above.
After you've worked it into this area between the arrows, aim for getting it to flip into the scroll of that little rolled foot closer to the needle as well. Start off sewing slowly, and watch that needle to ensure it's piercing through the fold and not beside it.
There is one other video other than mine on youtube, and she wasn't much better skilled at this foot than I am. I think I'll keep it out and keep working on it, and post an update. I wonder how many people still have mad skills with it. I want to be one!
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